[u][i][b]HERE IT IS EVERYBODY!!![/b][/i][/u]
Guess what my favorite games/shows are. [spoiler]My favorite shows/games are: Two and a half Ogre Everybody hates Donkey Ogre Time with Shrek and Donkey The Amazing World of Farquad Regular Ogre: It's anything but. Ninjogre: Masters of Onions Big Time Ogre Fanboy and Puss In Boots Harvey Ogre Farquad's Modern Life Jimmy Farquad: Boy Genius Shrek's Guide to pretty much everything Swamp Rats Gravity Swamp Shrek and the Swampy Adventures Kirby Charming Doctor Ogre How to train your Ogre Jake Long: American Ogre Girl vs. Ogre The Little Ogre Ogre Story Hey Donkey! Shrek's declassified school survival guide Shrek vs. the forces of Farquad Ogre la Ogre Akame ga Ogre! Swamp -the maxim- Attack on Ogre Shrek's Swamp mysteries Donkey's burgers Shrek and Stimpy My life as a teenage ogre Shrek and Ferb Scooby Ogre Donkey, the cowardly donkey Randy Cunningham: 9th grade donkey Swamp Art Online Swamp Art Online II Borderswamp Borderswamp 2 Borderswamp The Pre-Ogre Tales from the Borderswamp Five Nights at Shrek's Ogre Man Ogre Man 2 Ogre Man 3 Ogre Man 4-10 Ogre Man Star Swamp 1-3 Ogre Man Legends 1-2 Ogre Man Battle Donkey 1-3 The Binding of Farquad Project Ogre Charming Wars Mineswamp Ogre Rising Ogre Rising 2 Ogre Rising 2: Off the Swamp Ogre Rising 2: Case Ogre! Ogre Rising 3 Ogre Rising 3 Ultra Super Mega Deluxe Omega Alpha Neo Genesis Beta Ultra Supreme EX[/spoiler]