originally posted in:Famous 8
Welcome to King's Fall Raid Hard Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future.
~ King's Fall Raid Bosses:
• Warpriest
• Golgoroth
• Oryx The Taken King
~ Difficulties:
• Hard Level 40, 310 - 320 Light
Post Your
~ Level/Light
~ Type
~ Weapons
~ Check Point Needed
~ Gamer Tag
{Example ~ Lvl 40/ Light 310 Hunter, King's Cp Hard}
Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :)
P.s. I'm always running raids so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out!
~ Lvl 34/ Light 304 ~ Hunter
~ Lvl 34/ Light 294 ~ Warlock
~ Lvl 34/ Light 294 ~ Titan
I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance!
Yes we help with all raids!
~ Famous 8
~ Easy way to find us.
Wow, thank you so much for 11k posts!! Bring on more posts!!
320 warlock and 318 hunter looking for an invite to oryx I can run relic too GT: U H8in
Need 1 at war priest hard doing challenge message feariscautionz for inv
Titan n Hunter 306-310 lf Kingsfall Raid HM pt fresh run with the challenge done . We both have ToM n Blackspindle n knw wht to do . Experienced players frm ps4 bt transferred over to xbox1 . Lf respectful n awesome souls , no rage quitters or non polite players :)
Need 3 at war priest hard doing challenge message feariscautionz for inv
Need 1 for oryx challenge Msg gt above
Need 5 for Fresh Run on Hard Mode 315+ Message for invite- SINISTERxSLY
Need one at oryx
A friend and I are looking for a warpriest checkpoint and a chill group. I am a 317 hunter with tom and spindle and my friend is a 307 warlock with self res. My friend can hold his own if not you can kick us at any moment. Message me gt same as above xbox1
Oryx checkpoint hard raid. I'm a 311 and I have tom. Looking for 4 more. 310+ Message me on Xbox for an invite.
316 Titan LFG KF HM, preferably fresh, I have a mic and exp and ToM. I do not want to start/lead group. Inv me.
Need 2 more for golgoroth preferably Titans 315+. Get same as above
Need 1 for sisters cp hard mode prefer 1 Titan 315 + we are doing full raid and challenge at oryx. Please know what to do. Message tayizpro for invite
Need 3 for oryx challenge Mag gt above
Need 1 more for Daughters CP, 315+ experience (hard), send message to GT: Nieto1st
318 warlock. Looking to finish golgoroth cp and rest do raid. Gt same as above.
Need 1 more for Daughters CP, 315+ experience (hard), send message to GT: Nieto1st
Need people at the jumping thing to inv me
Need 5 for totems cp will be doing challenge mode. Titan here, mist be at least 315 and have exp as i do. I dont want to be doing a raid all night so please have tom and spindle. Message with class and light. Gt str8 deep grass
Titan 315 oryx cp hard Same gt
Need 4 for oryx challenge. mlove8680 for inv
317 lock looking for Oryx cp, beaten countless times Gt Hdutch44
Need people at the jumping thing to inv me
Need 1 sisters! Gt as above
Goroloth cp! 315+ 2 more Titans would be great!!! Msg it is Eminem
317 hunter looking for hard oryx challenge with group that has completed challenge before. Message hitmarker13
Lf1. Warpriest cp. 318+. Message light and class.