So I was ready to buy something from xur and when I found him he was selling EXOTIC ENGRAMS FOR HEAVY! But when I bought one it gave me year one damage :( why did it give me year one? Was I not high enough level? I'm pissed my strange coins went to waste and now I gotta farm for more
wtf is a Lawl?
OP needs to take his satire thread and shove it. You're not cute.
I'm really starting to hate these posts. They're getting dumber by the minute. "HAY guise!!! I baut deez erngerms frim zur and dae tuned inta old weepins" STFU. No one likes you. No one thinks you're funny. Enjoy your mute. I know I will.
I buyed 10 of dem and got all below 200 what givez
Lagacy engrams only gives you year 1 exotics
Legacy Engrams read it says gives you a year one weapon
It was a legacy engram....this has been explained multiple times. Please read before buying in future.
Edited by Hideous Kojima: 10/26/2015 3:27:55 PMThis isnt even funny anymore. Youre litteraly having sex with an old post trying to get some satisfaction but all thats comming out is powder.
It says #notasatire so it has to be a bait post