So....I saw a bunch of posts talking about how people got a crap load of Crest of Alpha Lupi for Hunter / Titan from Xur this week. I figured that maybe they were just buying and opening them on their Hunters and given that CoAL is the only chest available, that would explain it....
But I just bought two engrams (bought and opened then bought and opened, not buy two open two) and I got 2 CoALs myself....on my Warlock!
I know it's possible to get other classes gear from engrams, but what are the chances that a Warlock bought and opened engram would decrypt into the CoAL twice in row? I'd have to fathom not very well...which leads me to believe this week's engram is broken.
That also burned the "last" of my strange coins, so I'm really not happy that about it. Anyone else see similar results? I know Bungie won't do anything about this, but I can't help but think this is broken.
EDIT #1: Make sure you upvote this so Bungie can see!
EDIT #2: Thank you everyone for the responses! The overwhelming majority hear have been experiencing the same thing I did, disappointment and BROKEN RNG.
EDIT #3: For those of you who are touting RNG, I understand how RNG works. But when Bungie specifically stated that they were putting in logic to help 1) Reduce the % chance associated with duplicate items and 2) Increasing the chance that engrams would decrypt for the class you're decrypting on, then something is broken.
EDIT #4: 150+ comments! Keep responding with samples so Bungie can add it to their data!
People need to stop thinking something is broken because of rng