But it is just cosmetic. A reskin of a very very very easily obtainable item, one that has almost no effect on gameplay. After about 50 hours of playtime, your at the point that glimmer is almost useless to you and you always have max (I got so tired of seeing craptarch notifications I blow through 15,000-20,000 glimmer every two days on ammo synths, just so I'm not at max)
They had yet to cross a line to worry about. I understand your concerns, I have the same worries. But I'm trying to look at this logically and objectively.
No matter what are opinions or worries are, the only way to know for sure is time. I'm out once it takes a turn for the worse. However, I personally don't see an issue with holiday and event consumables. Because that's all they are. It's a holiday event, one where you can get everything without spending money. And it's not all that hard, removing a heavy pay to win worry. If it took so long that's it's impossible collect everything without paying, then it's a worry. For now, they've balances it decently this time around.
Like I said you are just determining the value of these consumables to be worthless (which they are in the current market) but the issue people have is that it's [b]already[/b] no longer just cosmetic. It being a reskin of a current it also hold no meaning. What if they reskinned a touch of malice and sold it in the store. I can still get it without paying (these consumables and a ToM are not even close to the same thing in just using an over exaggeration). As I said before you also don't know what the future holds in terms of the glimmer market, just like I mentioned before with the 2.0 exotics. Take strange coins and motes of light for example. A few weeks ago people would've been trading coins for motes like crazy (xur still has the option) now people want the other way. If in 2 weeks there is a patch the makes all infusions take 5000+ glimmer (again exaggerated to get a point across) then people would value these "worthless" consumables that they allowed be caused currently they are worthless.
But the value of said micro transactions is honestly what determines if and how much a game is pay to win. It's a holiday event dude, if bungie is smart, consumables like this won't hit unless it's for these special events. If it stays as it is, I don't see a problem. Let people have fun and spend real money for their holiday things and just enjoy the event. This year is a hell of a lot better than the holiday items they had last year. Let's just be happy with that for now. You're trying to predict and worry about a possible future too much right now. Like I said, we just have to wait and see if bungie actually goes in the wrong direction, or keeps it at an acceptable (barely) level.
It's a slippery slope is all... They might just be testing the water to see how far they can go with it.