Destiny is marketed as a social game. It’s designed to be fun with groups of players, and the most fun with consistent groups of players. Much of the content is centered around having a group to play it with. The story missions are solo, sure, but the Strikes are 3-man. The Nightfall is 3-man, the Crucible is 1, 3, or 6-man per team. The Raids, the PvE crown jewel, are 6-man.
And now with the Taken King, the Court of Oryx certainly raises the desire for 6-man fireteams.
A game so focused on social play should have a robust social system as its foundation, and I don’t think a man (or woman) among us could honestly claim that for Destiny. There’s no proximity chat of any kind, no voice channels to Guardians who aren’t in your Fireteam unless you’re running a match-made activity. There’s no “Public” channel when on Patrol, or in the Tower or Vestian Outpost. The most we have is “click the right thumbstick, press ‘menu’ to interact”, which allows us to inspect, and send requests (which then need to be activated by the recipient).
Why, Bungie, can’t I open my Nav Screen, use my D-Pad Down to select “Voice Channel”, and then press D-Pad Right to switch to “Public Channel”? Why not a “Broadcast” option that broadcasts to all Guardians on the Public Channel, so I can call for help with a Zealot when there aren’t Guardians nearby? If this game is supposed to be social like it’s been claimed, then make it [i]easier[/i] to communicate.
Why are we limited to 3-man teams? Every activity aside from 6v6 Crucible matches and Raids have a cap of 3 Guardians per Fireteam. Why? You want the Raid teams to be composed of Guardians that know each other, [b]yet there’s no way for them to get to know each other outside of 6v6 Crucible[/b]. No way to learn their strengths, or their weaknesses. HelsinkiTorped0 (me) might be great with a Scout Rifle, but ass with grenades. My battlebuddy might be great on the revive, but squishy as hell (as Hunters often are). That random we picked up in the “craigslist nookie section”*cough* LFG might be terrible at finding adds to kill during the Warpriest fight, but great at wrecking the Warpriest himself.
Finally, the Court. The lower-level Court of Oryx fights are easy enough to solo or do within the confines of a 3-man Fireteam, but the Antiquated challenge (and mayhap even some of the Stolen Rune challenges) would certainly benefit from (if not require) a team of more than 3 Guardians. The last time I was invested in a fight there, it was a base Fireteam of 3 Guardians [b]spamming party invites to randoms that were patrolling the Dreadnaught, including me.[/b] Because it’s instanced, to my knowledge you can’t even LFG for that, because there’s no guarantee they’ll arrive in the same instance. Anyone is welcome to correct me if that is wrong, I don’t understand these newfangled computer games and such.
This game benefits from being social. I personally believe that’s most of what has kept it alive through the trials and tribulations of Year 1. But it makes it so difficult to [i]play socially[/i]. Give us public chat options. Give us in-game LFG for Raids, and [b]optional[/b] matchmaking for all game modes. If you want this game to last another year, and create a truly memorable experience, please take some of this advice to heart.
Half social with no proximity chat