Hello all,
Going to be hopping on Halo 5 after work, while I'm here though, Has anybody beaten Halo 5's campaign on Legendary Solo?
If so, what should I be expecting apart from the other Halo games? Any new annoying enemies or OP weapon combos? Plasma Pistol-BR still do the trick?
Edit: Engrish
Edit 2: Dem friendly 'team-mates' sound like a bundle of fun..
Status Update/Edit 3: On Mission 10 right as I type this, Mission 8 was probably the most frustrating mission I've played in a while.
The Friendly AI is absolutely, 100% completely broken, they are so useless and spend 99.9% of the time standing around trying to catch bullets with their faces.
Edit 4: I just finished the Campaign on Legendary Solo, after much rage and loathing every mission that had a Promethean in it, or when my AI teammates did the complete opposite of what I ordered them to do.
That's all, finally over, didn't even stick around for the ending, just wanted it to be over!
Now, Campaign Veterans, Care to share some tips for those looking to complete the game themselves?
Finally Finished the Fight(for a third time...) [spoiler]Bump[/spoiler]
Command them to kill every thing you see and they're actually very helpful
Of course they had to make a cheevo for doing it alone instead of coop :(
Oh man just wait until mission 14. It will hurt man.
I started it on legendary. It really wouldn't be that bad if friendly AI was worth a shit.
On mission 10 as I write this, edited OP [spoiler]Bump[/spoiler]
When I get it, I want to do it on legendary with 4 friends.
Be prepared the team AI are terrible some of the worst I've seen and the enemies at times are incredibly hard to get past best to be done with 4 actual players
I started it on Heroic like I always do and you can get you ass kicked pretty quickly on that level. The fact your team can revive you does make it easier however you can lose members of your team if you don't get to them fast enough. I lost Buck on the first mission towards the end of the mission and was left with just Vale and Tanaka. So if you manage to lose all your team mates it will be hard.
Sounds like the Friendly AI are more irritating than the enemy AI, Besides the Friendly AI, what enemies will really rustle my jimmies to a 'Jackal Sniper level' when I attempt my playthrough? [spoiler]Bump[/spoiler]
I've done the first two missions on legendary and it can be rage inducing. The friendly AI isn't the smartest, and the enemies do massive damage. It's by no means impossible though.
I start Normal, allows me to get a feel for the game and weapons without to much of a struggle but the enemies aren't to weak. It also gives me an idea of all the missions and stuff. After normal I go to legendary.
I'll be running legendary solo after I run through with my buddy. Most likely finish it tomorrow with him