originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Ah. But you killed my father! So prepare to die!
*I draw my sword and .357*
*Draws a bigger gun on a whiteboard* "Aha!!! And I must admit, he was delicious!!!"
Hahahahaha. Your magical board of Art is nothing compared to my wonders! *out of the sky drops an electric PKM into my hands*
*Tosses whiteboard aside and pulls out a tessaract railgun* "Aha!!! I have broken your puny physics to weaponize a shape!!!"
Oh ya?! *You begin floating uncontrollably* Well I had one of my buds tag you with an anti-gravity dart! Have a,FLY, Time! Mwahahahaha!
*Flips a switch and turns off gravity* "Aha!!! Now we are both flying!!!" [spoiler]Turning off gravity.... Consider the large-scale consequences....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]shhhhhh[/spoiler] WHO HO! Well I knew you were going to do that! That's why I brought my rocket boots!
[spoiler]Alright. So... Can we do some crazy shyt later? Because otherwise....[/spoiler] "Aha!!! I had known that you would have known that I would do that, so I swapped your rocket fuel for bubbles!!!"
Mwhahahaha! That is all I need to get around! I kidnapped your mother btw!
"The joke is on you!!! You kidnapped my sister instead!!! Oh wait.... You kidnapped a dummy instead!!! Hah!!!"
Hahahahaha! I will not fall for your cheap tricks! I'll also have you know that I scheduled you 8! DENTAL APPOINTMENTS! THIS WEEK!
"Aha!!! But I have nothing to worry about, for I brush my teeth every day!!!!" *Holds up opera tickets* "Aha!!! I have gotten you and your whole family an all expenses-paid-for deluxe opera experience!!!! To the worst opera house in the world!!!"
OH YA?! WELL MY FAMILY LOVES OPERA! SO WE CAN JUST SIT DOWN AND CRITICIZE IT AND HAVE A FUN TIME! Just for you I got you a one hour pass to Disney world! That's about all the time you need to get HALFWAY THROUGH A LINE!!!
[spoiler]Now that's just plain evil....[/spoiler] "Now see here!!! I decided to upgrade my family's passes, and now we have a full week!!! Aha!!"
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *a sign pops down saying Disney world is closed* I Knew you had upgraded! So I gave Disney world 9000 mill to close!!! Hahahahahaha!
"Aha!!! But SeaWorld is still open!!! I have summoned an Orca army!!!"
MWAHAHAHAHAHHA! Jokes on you! I just ordered a shipment for all of the salmon in Australia! Those orcas will listen to ME NOW
"Hah!!! The salmon shipment was intercepted by my megalodons!!!"
But I had trackers in the salmon! So those megaldons are gunna get killed by my nuclear submarines! *submarines fire the missiles at the megaldons*
"Hah!!! You cannot break through the megalodon's pack shielding!!!" *Missiles explode against shields* "Return fire!!!!" *The megalodons begin spewing salmon at the subs*
Mwahahahaha! What you didn't anticipate is that my submarines have an ANTI-WATER MECHANISM! All WATER AROUND THEM WILL EVAPORATE! RENDERING YOUR MEGLADONS USELESS AND KILLING YOUR ORCAS! *The sea evaporates screwing everything over*
[spoiler]Well then.... RIP Earth.[/spoiler] "Ahahaha!!!! But you now realize that you left your submarines stuck on the bottom of the ocean, perfect targets for my patent-pending singularity bombs!!!"
Nyahahahahahahaa! Doesn't matter! Because my submarines have anti-singularity devices in them! Which will send your bombs straight to where you float right now! Oh...ya and the whole gravity thing makes it so they won't fly properly....
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 11/7/2015 1:05:21 AM"Aha!!! But my singularity bombs have instead locked onto you!!!!"
Mwahahahahaha! No matter! Because I had someone inside your bomb activation system THIS WHOLE TIME!!!
"Of course!!! My people stuffed him into one of the bombs before they launched!!!"