originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]Xerox hears a whisper-like voice in the back of her head, the voice followed by multiple quieter whispers repeating parts of the words the voice speaks. [/b]
"Complement taken, you seem to be interested..."
[b]Darkness quickly arcs up the Wizard's arms before disappearing a second later, silently, oddly enough.[/b]
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 10/27/2015 3:50:42 PM"I've never seen anything like this. I can see why many people would be after you, you could probably turn half the city into rubble without any trouble."
"That is true..." [b]What seems to be an energy similar to the arc energy used by Guardians shoots off of both of the cleavers momentarily, scorching the ground below the weapons with light green flames.[/b]
"I know of warlocks that would die to have a sample of you. But they aren't going to get any samples. How do you do it?"
"It's just a natural talent of mine. No one understands it, actually. Well, if you don't count Oryx." [b]The flames immediately die out as she flicks her wrists and reverses her grip on the weapons.[/b] "Perhaps you should ask him."
"I rather not, I'm on bad terms with him. You know, leaving his service and becoming a mercenary."
"Yes... I forgot about that. Even I couldn't tell you because I wasn't informed by him." [b]Multiple sword bearers clad in matte black armor appear at her side, an insignia of crossed swords behind a trio of skulls emblazoned onto their chests with a light violet glow. [/b] "They won't attack you. They're simply my guards."
"Ooo, nice symbol, it's been awhile since I've seen another swordbearer. I'm guessing they completed some super hard task to earn the black armor?"
"You guessed correct. The insignia is a little personal touch I added to them." [b]Upon closer inspection, the skulls seem to be of different races, one representing Exos, one Awoken, and the last Human. [/b]
"Every one of the species that the light makes into guardians. That's pretty cool." [b]xerox walks up to one of the knight and studies him[/b]
[b]The knights all summon walls of reinforced Hadium from their left palms as soon as Xerox gets close, creating a large wall similar to a Phalanx.[/b] "They seem to not take a liking in you getting close."
"It must be the small amount of light in me. Fine, be anti social." [b]xerox walks away and sits down on a rock[/b]
[b]The Swordbearers all mutter under their breaths as they turn around and walk through portals that open up infront of them, disappearing along with the portal.[/b] "I didn't expect them to be prejudiced. I'll make sure to keep them away from you for now."
"They probably know that the rest of my kind think I'm a abomination due my worm not consuming me when I allied myself with the light."