originally posted in:Be Excellent To EachOther
Hey all! Waited until the start of reset today to start things up, but we'll be hopefully starting our blind runthrough of the raid tonight! Still have a couple slots open, feel free to reply below if interested! Will be playing roughly 10-midnight est during the week, longer on weekends until we get through. No pressure, just have fun and get everyone through. Only requirement is that you be light level 290+ and have a mic. Apparently a good scout and sniper rifle is helpful too, but we'll figure things out. Hopefully.
If we get too many people would still love some backups, and if we DON'T get enough people would love some people that don't mind standing around and watching a bunch of newbies act like idiots trying to figure things out. What fun!
Comment below and let's do this!
EDIT: We ended up with a full team last night, and it was awesome! Look forward to continuing the adventure tomorrow. For everyone that was interested but did not have enough room, I will start a new Blind Raid thread. I know for a fact that there was enough interest to generate at least one more team. Meet up in there!
[u]Current Team[/u]
Ken E86
I'd be happy to join in. GT: Jeow (im a newbie and never done a raid) so you can tell me what to do or watch me die. im not bothered either way.
Hello, I saw your Reddit post and was hoping to blindly wander through the raid with you all. My schedule in the evening is pretty open, so I'm free whenever you want to run. I can run pretty much whatever you need (295+ all classes). GT is Garumph
I will be there! " [i]Look at Eris. Eris is amazing. Give it a lick. It tastes just like raisins"[/i]
I would be down to do this! I have run the raid already but could always go in as a helper if/when you get stuck: wouldnt spoil anything else for you and could also show you the calcified fragments and secrets chests. Im a 305 warlock, but its all up to you guys!
Saw your Reddit post, and I'm totally interested! I haven't run the raid yet, haven't even watched a walkthrough (though I can remedy that if I'm on the team tonight). I just hit 290 last night on my Titan (defender), but I'm good at listening to instructions. I'm a mid-20s west coaster looking for a group to run with consistently--if you'll have me, I'd love to join up! I've been told that what I lack in experience I more than make up for with ill-timed jokes and a can-do attitude. Also I've been practicing my jumping puzzle prowess so I'm totally going to be just fine with this.
Edited by mistakeagian: 10/27/2015 6:13:38 PMI am interested. Saw the post on Reddit. My problem would be communication, I can't speak after about 10pm eastern because the kids are asleep. I can listen to chat, though. 296-7 Hunter (Gunslinger preferred, Bladedancer maxed as well)
Feel free to mark me down as a reserve. If you have someone that has to bail early, or end up short, send me a message and I'll help out if I'm available, regardless of where the group is at in the raid. I've ran the raid a few times, but I would be fine with keeping my mouth shut to allow for the trail and error to continue! GT: RageEight
Saw your post on Reddit. I'm a 35 year old married w/ 2 kids looking to find a mature group to run raids with. I've not done the Kings fall raid but if love to give it a shot with you guys if you have room. I can commit most nights right now 10-12 est (I'm central so 9-11 is perfect). I'm a 297 warlock who can run as a sunsinger or lightning emperor - whichever you need. GT: Xizindar