CONGRATS FOR BEATING HARD MODE - (Without cheese only)
Title says it all, if you beat hard mode and didnt need to cheese the crap out of Oryx because you play this game with some skill and finesse, then I commend you. Keep up the good work and keep widening the gap between us and the those who still need to work on their skills!
EDIT: Loving all of the crybabies responses. No guys, cheesing is not harder than doing it the regular way.... is that what you told yourselves to make yourselves believe that you are actually decent at the game?
EDIT: If half of the people doing it are also calling it a cheese, and the majority of the people that posted links and instructions on how to do it call it a cheese, than why are some of you so slow to admit that its a cheese!???
It's not a cheese, are you dumb? A cheese is when you drop Atheon for it's platform, A cheese is when someone of your fireteam disconnect form the game to get Crota staying on his knee. Not killing some ennemies IS NOT a cheese you stupid piece of cheese.