You guys know the ones. The teams that are always elitists, that get pissed off every time you die, the ones who berate you for playing a Warlock, and especially those who implement a strategy completely different than what you're used to and they expect you to be able to get it down first try.
Don't tell me I'm the only one that's been there? I play hardcore, don't get me wrong, but when it gets to the point where name-calling and yelling and screaming happens, that's not motivation. That's just downright abuse.
Edit: It sucks to know so many people can relate to this bullshit, but good to know there are others out there who are just as sick of it as I am. :)
I know the feels bro. Im still waiting to get my first run thru finished. Ya know how hard it is to find a whole FIVE people to carry you cause almost every group you join are elitist? ?!! Smh
Can't stand it. I'm really good at all the raids so it's never happened to me but I've seen people get abused before. The sad part is that it usually just makes people play worse. You can give criticism without being a dick. I've had to boot a few people recently who just went off on others out of nowhere.
Thats why i try to make groups with my clan 1st. Saves me the hassle
Leave those groups asap
Yep. I leave teams that treat others like shit.
I've never had a bad raid team so far. However I do avoid the LFG that require 310+ light or have an underlying elitist tone etc.
I've spent 4 hours and 18 minutes in the newest raid with 2 newbies. I'll tell you that I was the only one who kept his cool. The entire time. A lot of people would've quit, but I didn't. I decided to stay because I was in the noobs shoes once. Although if we've spent an hour on the sisters, I'd assume you'll have the mechanics down after many resets.
We get to oryx, all of us are over 310 and *supposedly* know what we are doing. I have to get off in half an hour. We almost win, three perfect runs and then this dude kills himself with a tripmine.. Next run we get three perfect runs, and the same idiot runs into the shade ball to get heavy ammo and insta-dies. My last run before I gotta go, we do everything perfect and on the last run one person dies and my internet craps out. Was a beautiful day.
I had a team yesterday that were that type asked for the emblem and what not. They died for the first 6 wipes. After that i died once and they kicked for being a scrub. Even though the relic always got there in time. Screw 'em. Completed it first try with a better team.
all the time why I hate this Raid so much so many pricks and wanna-be-know-it-alls I'll stick to occasional Crucible and Strikes/Court
Why is it that every time i see i post like this OP is on xbox..
Ask for no children in your posts. It helps me a ton
It is stupid and this is why so many people haven't finished raids cuz rather then take the time to work with them, everyone wants to blow through it and be a douche! I will stick around with teams just to make sure it gets done. You're downing people by being negative and being cyber bullies. Stupid.
I don't like abusive raid teams, either. But today, I was really lucky. I think pretty much everyone in my fireteam was age 18+ and was pretty chill (I'm 15 but I'm pretty chill). No screaming, no yelling at each other, no kicking out of game, no getting enraged at people if we have to restart the darkness zone. And this was King's Fall hard from fresh. I loved the environment that was created when everyone was chill. :) cheers to anyone that encounters these types of fireteams.
Edited by odaddymine: 10/28/2015 12:19:48 AMThings to do in a misfit-fireteam raid: • Be [i]sure[/i] everyone knows the strategy for each boss. • [i]Expect[/i] to wipe a few times to get the rhythm down for each boss. • If someone is dying the same way over and over, try shifting roles instead of being a [i]dick.[/i] • [i]Boot[/i] anyone who likes to mouth-off. It's less stress for everyone in the party.
What console are you on? If 360 feel free to add me. I play with a really nice, polite group.
My trams always kick me before asking me :/ I just Wanna beat oryx in the damn raid unfortunately not a lot of people are on 360
Edited by Hwood98: 10/28/2015 12:28:31 AMLFG? Then there you go. Join a clan. Raid with Clan and friends. Yes, we mess with each other during team activities, fun and games. Nothing meant by it. If something bothers you during a raid or whatever, boot them or leave. That simple.
Git gud
Hate noobs who don't know what they're doing. I will kick them all day.
I do to bro, haven't finished KF cause no one will help me, I don't have enough friends to do it with :/
All I want is a chill and non squeaking raid group ffs
There are always assholes. Emotional maturity occurs at varying rates for people, and some mature at a glacial pace. Just keep looking for the good apples and run with them regularly. The100 is a good site for finding groups better suited to your own preferences and demographic.
I know the feeling. I refuse to raid with anyone other than chill people from now on. (:
Agreed. It's a game, have fun. You shouldn't make your team members feel unwelcome. Everyone screws up, but constant negativity is only going to make things worse, not better.
Me too bro. They added an elitist to my clan. Thinking of leaving