Looking for a Kings Fall Hard mode team? Don't want to wait around? Here's your thread! My gamer tag is
[b]GT example:[/b]
KSI AV8ers 7
[b]Class example:[/b]
314 titan × 3
Remember when recruiting, please post your checkpoint! This well help all of us get smoother transitions into starting the raid quicker!
-war priest
I have 3 titans that I like to run hard mode on and after I do my 3 main runs I'll help other people out with learning oryx strategies.
I have 3 titans
314 light level
316 touch of malice
316 black spindle
Post here to find a hard mode group
312/313 titan for FRESH HARD MODE KINGS FALL RAID. LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED GROUP I'm very experienced. Know how to beat oryx throughly. I would like a group that kills knights at oryx though. Feel free to send me an invite! GT is the same as above.
Need 5 for golgeroth Must be lv 305+ Message for inv Gt: im a jit
Looking for 4 308+ for oryx hard mode cp touch of malice will be nice along with a decent sniper. Message CHERROLnukka We will be using no knight strat.
313 hunter looking for oryx cp, Xbox one. Have ToM, have mic, know both strats. Just looking for a legit group to get this done. Message usmcbamf
Need 1 more at golgoroth, message on Xbox for invite
Lf fresh hard raid 307 hunter with ToM inv me gt Saackel
312 Titan for hard Orx 310+ gt^
313 titan defender with ToM for HARD MODE ORYX CP I run add control killing knight strat. Send me an invite! GT is the same as above
313 titan defender with ToM for HARD MODE ORYX CP I run add control killing knight strat. Send me an invite! GT is the same as above
Fresh run hard mode 305+ 18+ Msg: podman04
313 titan defender with ToM for HARD MODE ORYX CP I run add control killing knight strat. Send me an invite! GT is the same as above
313 titan defender with ToM for HARD MODE ORYX CP I run add control killing knight strat. Send me an invite! GT is the same as above
313 titan defender with ToM for HARD MODE ORYX CP I run add control killing knight strat. Send me an invite! GT is the same as above
Need 4 at warpriest cp msg with light lvl or no inv
Fresh raid 309+ only Msg Bruddafox for inv
Hosting Oryx cp hard mode!!! Need 4 more !!! People that communicate and don't take this dead serious are the best so we can breeze through this !!! Please be at least 310 + on light . Message in game for an invite gt: jayquiil
309 warlock(alternate character) looking for experienced group who has beaten entire raid before on hard msg IDONTN33DANAM3 I am very exp player and have beaten hard multiple times already
Need 3 310+ ONLY oryx cp. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
Hard raid oryx cp, XB1, need 2, 310+ light, message ph33n0m
One for Oryx normal. 300+ with sniper. Msg SCOTTISH GOBLIN
War priest hard mode !! Need 1 more !!! People that communicate and don't take this dead serious are the best so we can breeze through this !!! Please be at least 309 + on light . Message in game for an invite gt: jayquiil
[quote]310 Titan inv me gt same as above looking for fresh run[/quote]
need 2 for war priest must be 300 light or ^ must have experience with raid, a mic and a good lmg/sniper
311 hunter looking for hard mode sisters cp gamertag same as above
Hard raid golgoroth cp, XB1, need 2, 310+ light, message ph33n0m