Looking for a Kings Fall Hard mode team? Don't want to wait around? Here's your thread! My gamer tag is
[b]GT example:[/b]
KSI AV8ers 7
[b]Class example:[/b]
314 titan × 3
Remember when recruiting, please post your checkpoint! This well help all of us get smoother transitions into starting the raid quicker!
-war priest
I have 3 titans that I like to run hard mode on and after I do my 3 main runs I'll help other people out with learning oryx strategies.
I have 3 titans
314 light level
316 touch of malice
316 black spindle
Post here to find a hard mode group
312 hunter looking to do my third run at oryx looking for a very experienced team with a hunter. To run this quick invite me
Warpriest cp must be 310 or above message me on Xbox with light level gt is above
At the sisters need 4 Gt TheBonj
309 Titan looking for a team at war priest, looking for a team that knows what it's doing and can run relic, inv me Gt same as name
Need 3 orxy hard 310+ Msg oddxfuture kta
[quote]I'm a 313 Titan with touch of malice. Also have beaten hard raid . Need to kill daughters and oryx still. I have a mic and know most strats[/quote]
310+ oryx cp. killing ogres. Must have experience msg Grim Human
Warpriest hard, message HADES IN REHAB for invite
NEED 4 FOR HARD MODE FRESH RAID 310+ LIGHT PLEASE AND BE EXPERIENCED Need at least 1 titan defender with ToM as well Message me, GT is same as above
I need group for King's Fall [HARD] I'm at Oryx INVITE ME GT: darkdito6984 Titan L.Lv308
Need 4 for golgoroth hard cp. must have emblem. Message "IG DJ not nice" for inv
313 titan for FRESH KF NORMAL RAID New character, haven't cleared the raid on it before. Need to run normal so I can run hard! Send me an invite. GT IS the same as above
Need 1 for glyphs hard must have emblem, and be 310 message for invite
313 titan for FRESH KF NORMAL RAID New character, haven't cleared the raid on it before. Need to run normal so I can run hard! Send me an invite. GT IS the same as above
Need a 309+ for fresh run gt crazycassata80
313 titan for FRESH KF NORMAL RAID New character, haven't cleared the raid on it before. Need to run normal so I can run hard! Send me an invite. GT IS the same as above
313 titan for FRESH KF NORMAL RAID New character, haven't cleared the raid on it before. Need to run normal so I can run hard! Send me an invite. GT IS the same as above
313 titan defender Looking for FRESH HARD MODE RAID GROUP Please be 310+ and very experienced. Send me a game invite! This is my 3rd characters run.
Need 5 for warpriest on hard msg me for inv gt same as above
4 high 300s looking for two more for quick clear, at Oryx HM CP. we are going the no knight strategy, two peeps had to leave for school. Msg bladzalot
Looking for 3 people who have done the raid before and know what your doing, please have a mic, and message me for invite Oryx CP
Need 2 Gt:zero11333
312 titan looking for GOOD HARD MODE GROUP 310+ LIGHT WITH ORYX CP Send me a game invite please, I'm not recruiting. My GT is the same as above.
312 titan looking for GOOD HARD MODE GROUP 310+ LIGHT WITH TOTEMS CP Send me a game invite please, I'm not recruiting. My GT is the same as above.
312 titan looking for GOOD HARD MODE GROUP 310+ LIGHT WITH TOTEMS CP Send me a game invite please, I'm not recruiting. My GT is the same as above.
312 titan looking for GOOD HARD MODE GROUP 310+ LIGHT WITH TOTEMS CP Send me a game invite please, I'm not recruiting. My GT is the same as above.