Shaders aren't cosmetic? Ships aren't cosmetic? Sparrows, perhaps. But I see those as cosmetic, too. Unless they introduced one with superior stats, but even then, it would get you somewhere a matter of seconds faster. Big deal.
Weapons? Armor? Items to increase your cance of loot? Items to increase light level of loot? Items to reroll weapons? Items to gain better or unique perks? These will get me to leave Destiny and any future Bungie game.
My point is these things will condition you to be OK with armor, weapons, whatever else, when they do come out with it. And I whole heartedly believe that's what they're doing here. Simply conditioning the player base slowly, to accept it when it does happen.
There would be a class action lawsuit as Bungie has officially stated this would not happen multiple times. Otherwise I would agree with you.
Nothing but time will tell. I personally plan to continue enjoying the game while I can.