originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]there has been stories going around about old Houston. About how it is a hive breeding ground to a paradise. They are far from the truth[/b]
[i]old Houston, 9:36 am[/i]
[b]a vex patrol walks through downtown, their arc weaponry marking them as a different group, one that is believed to be a fairy tale. The sol heretics, vex that are sentient and against everyone, it doesn't fight guardians actively but if the guardians attack them, they fight back. Their leader sits in her throne in minute maid park, trying to solve a rubric cube that her scouts found[/b]
"Ugh. Why did humans invent these things? They are frustrating."
[spoiler]*kills you*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*isnt there* I see [i]everything.[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler]*nukes the earth*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*was on Onyx*[/spoiler]