Been playing since beta have about 1500 hours and completed every raid except hard mode taken and I remember a time where guys were real cool in raids but when TTK came out it seems like it's gotten a lot of new players who are very good but act like they kno everything while acting like c*nts.its not fun for me anymore it sucks cus I love the game. Even deleted guys I've known since vog this raid is a friend killer lol.
I'm hoping that once the next CoD or something comes out that these wankers will all bugger off to the Temple of Douche.
You hit it on the head! I just dropped my old clan with severl rl friends in it. They became selfish and impatient, and all around unhelpful! It all started with ttk. It is strange to me how it all happened. I guess some ppl just don't care if your irl friends, their light lvl and achievements trump that. Actually quite a shame to have to block somone you've known for years due to stupidity and greed over a few lines of code in a video game!
I fell you bro!!! The firt time i ran KF with my raiding "friends" we wiped 3 times (2 because of me) and one of them said (damn vader again???? You are useless!!!" I didn't said anything and left. Next day i gi on the forums and offer to start a fresh run with the requirement that only 1 experience player could join!!! Everyone else noobs!!! We had a blast!!! (Took us 3 hrs to beat the raid thou) but it was fun!!!
Edited by Mardolina: 10/28/2015 3:51:22 AMTell me about it. The first time I blocked my so called friends who I knew for a long time, just because of this raid.
Yeah man it sucks but it's cool been playing assassins creed, need a break from destiny anyway.