So I've had mine leveled up (though didn't waste energy on it yet) and I was thinking about the incoming buff after playing around with it the other day.
The gun isn't good for high level PvE content, but it's DoT is a ridiculous perk in PvP. In fact as a user of it and someone who's also been killed with it (sorta rare not many people seen to know it's good in pvp once leveled) DoT on a gun is the most broken perk in PvP. lt's effect is much greater and way less skill oriented than red death, suros etc and their health/damage perks. I'm worried that since the only major drawbacks are clip size/reload, if they buff those plus more, this gun is going to become an insane powerhouse in PvP.
This gun in PvP is a really an odd combo due to the fact it takes some skill (it's a HC) but also none to get kills.
I feel this is a legit concern and also a great reason why there needs to be separate figures for PvE and PvP.
I really hope they took PvP into major consideration when buffing Thorn, because even pre-buff it's a good weapon in PvP thanks to DoT. I could easily see post buff a lot of people dominating/using Thorn in PvP if they don't handle it perfectly (again only due to current DoT and the way PvP is handled armor/health wise).
Oh and you know they are probably going to screw this up then nerf it again. Just funny because they killed the Vex period (much better PvP guns and it's useless in PvE) but they've left Suros OP even though they acknowledged it's to OP in PvP.
Wow. I know this was bumped and all, BUT this dude is a legend, now. He called it. We didn't listen :(.