originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
- Xbox One USER -
314 Light - Warlock
I'm Deaf Experienced Player
i am try to find a group who are experience for hard mode raid and tired on LFG but nobody want to do it with me due no mic (deaf)
GT= Senju Knight and message me if your interest to helping me out and i know what to do too.
Need one 310+ for a fresh run on hard mode Message my gt to get inv Gt: x Hawaiian Kush
Need 3 for fresh kings Msg Rish84 for invite already in progress
Taking new people through hard raid dont care about light level. Im 313 warlock gt same
Need 1 titan for oryx cp hard 308+ know no knight strategy and have touch gt:bmimi2
Deathsingers need 4 [b][i][u]310+ light only[/u][/i][/b] Psn: EnragedFear
Looking for witches cp 307 Titan ToM and BS
I'm a 304 warlock looking to to do hard I'm experienced just not on hard.. If you would please invite me I pick things up easy and I can carry my weight. Gt as above invite?
I'm a 304 warlock looking to to do hard I'm experienced just not on hard.. If you would please invite me I pick things up easy and I can carry my weight. Gt as above invite?
312 Hunter for fresh hard raid! GT - Evil FoodStamps
Need 1 for fresh, message zookepper1
Need 5 for orxy hard 310+ Msg oddxfuture kta
308 looking for totems know what to do warlock with malice and 305 sniper INV me same as gamertag above
Need 4 for orxy hard 310+ Msg oddxfuture kta
Need 3 for KIngs fall fresh hard run! 310+ Message me for invite. Gt same as above.
Quick FYI: If you add the #Help tag to your posts they will show up in the general public #Help category. I've gone ahead and removed that tag from this post so it only shows up in your clan forum, as I imagine you intended.
Need 1 for warpriest cp Msg Rish84 for invite already in progress
Need 1 for warpriest cp Msg Rish84 for invite already in progress
302 titan. ToM sleeper spindle Normal mode. Fresh prefered Mic not squeaks Gt sam
Need 5 at sisters on normal wanna get done gt same mesg for invite
311 Titan for Orx. 310+ have emblem for who cares
Message M 1 L K M A N E for inv
Need 1 Titan for oryx cp. 310+. Must know what they are doing. Leave your gt.
[Need 4 people who are experienced and know what to do must be 307+ for fresh run message Mr cutie face for inv hard mode