Need 2 to help me with Touch of Malice quest. (Fear Embrace) In return I'll help with any other quests. Xbox one
Need help on hunger pangs on the boss add me ps4 Fowleplay91
I need the shroud of Ir'Anuk and the Ravenous Heart I'm a 306 hunter please help. Xb1 or xb 360 I've done the raid before
Need team for final boss before getting tom gt same xbox 1
NEED 2 FOR FEARS EMBRACE. IM A LVL 317 msg me for invite.
Need 2 for the undying mind level 40 stike Gt Mikeman Swe
Need 1 for hunger pangs bods xbox 1 gt same
Edited by ThE_TrutH_613: 1/19/2016 7:25:11 AM
Need 2 x box one
Need 2 for fears embrace mission
Edited by TheTatorNater: 1/19/2016 1:29:43 AMNeed one undying mind xb1. Done
at boss need 2 for tom quest step on xbox 1 gt same as above
Edited by DartVader: 1/19/2016 12:47:17 AMAt Boss for Undying Mind Need 2 ,message D Walker 45 for inv
Need 2 x box one
Edited by najarcitox: 1/18/2016 8:13:30 PMNeed one for the Phobos mission add najarcitox, already started it Ps4
Edited by silversprings_s: 1/18/2016 7:51:00 PMNeed 2 for undying mind part of the quest. Psn same as above. Ps4
Need a guy for final touch of malice mission -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
Need one or two for fears embrace (hunger pangs) ps4 Psn same as top
Need 1 or 2 for Fears embrace ps4 add millertime4114 and join
Need help w court of oryx on xbox one msg my gt above for inv and free calc fragments
Need help with fears embrace for my malice add bigdoghurdle xbone
Need help with fears embrace
Need 2 for fears embrace
Need 2 to defeat undying mind
Edited by AmnesiaDc: 1/17/2016 4:38:43 PMPs4 Need 1 for fears embrace psn same as above
Need two for fears embrace for last part of T O M plz help gt same as above on Xbox one
PS4 Looking for help with fears embrace, for tom, 316 titan