Welcome to the official raid group finder for "Blooded Cast" every one is welcome to exploit my creation to there own benefit.
If you do find yourself frequently using this epic page please /\ it for my self gratification.
on that note everyone should know how to post, its easy really
hi am a (guardian)
light 320
looking for fresh run
msg my (Xbox/Bungie) account.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/167995707/0/0/1]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170294662]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170711758]XBOX ONE PRISON OF ELDERS GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170714231]XBOX ONE CROTAS END HARD RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715031]XBOX ONE CROTAS END NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715258]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715587]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717164]XBOX ONE CRUCIBLE GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717827]XBOX ONE TRIALS OF OSIRIS GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717999]XBOX ONE IRON BANNER GROUP FINDER [/url]
Hosting hard war priest cp. Please know what u are doing. 313+ light. Gt same as above . Msg for invite. No drama must be fun. please be all grown up! We will be doing challenge!
Need 5 for oryx 315+ no ragers or kids GT is Nick Fury37
Need 2 for fresh raid GT^^
319 warlock GT as above looking for hard challenge
Need one 317+ Titan for hard mode
320 titan lookn for sisters cp. Gt same as above
Looking for hard Golg CP already done challenge so don't really need to do it but if your doing will help anyways I am a 316 hunter with 317 touch invite LiTtLeMaNiAc93
Need 3 314+ for fresh run hard mode, will be doing golgy challenge hmu for Inv: Mastr Chifu
Looking for hard Golg CP already done challenge so don't really need to do it but if your doing will help anyways I am a 316 hunter with 317 touch invite LiTtLeMaNiAc93
Need 1 for hard oryx please be 315 plus message clownen4fun
317 warlock. Looking for a fresh KF run. I have weapons and exp.Gt same.
319 hunter Sampsonnnnn Looking for fresh raid Need 5 SAVAGES HARD MODE message or inv gt above
Need two for sisters. Gt same as above. Please message with class and light level.
Looking for hard Golg CP already done challenge so don't really need to do it but if your doing will help anyways I am a 316 hunter with 317 touch invite LiTtLeMaNiAc93
319 lock looking for fresh or totems. Don't invite me unless you're a 316+ group. Looking to get last character done quickly.
Need 1 has to be Titan for raid hard war priest
Need 2 to help finish oryx. We will be starting a fresh run right after.
Need 1 318+ hunters for fresh run I'm a 320 titan Msg me for inv
Golgoroth hard mode Need 5 gt same as above
Need 4 experienced guardians fresh hard 313+ doing challenge GT is same
Need 4 for fresh hard 315+ light with touch Be experienced Msg with light nd class Need 1 titan Gt eggsacutor
Need two for fresh hard run be chill msg rhys52 for inv
Need one for oryx cp. 317 plus. Msg gt kifurby for inv.
Kf norm Fresh Doing challenge MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO AND MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO IN CHALLENGE! No kids 305+ Gt same as abv
318 Hunter experienced. Looking for oryx cp. GT same.
Need 5 for fresh