Welcome to the official raid group finder for "Blooded Cast" every one is welcome to exploit my creation to there own benefit.
If you do find yourself frequently using this epic page please /\ it for my self gratification.
on that note everyone should know how to post, its easy really
hi am a (guardian)
light 320
looking for fresh run
msg my (Xbox/Bungie) account.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/167995707/0/0/1]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170294662]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170711758]XBOX ONE PRISON OF ELDERS GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170714231]XBOX ONE CROTAS END HARD RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715031]XBOX ONE CROTAS END NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715258]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715587]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717164]XBOX ONE CRUCIBLE GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717827]XBOX ONE TRIALS OF OSIRIS GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717999]XBOX ONE IRON BANNER GROUP FINDER [/url]
Hard fresh raid message 'aQuawK' for invite must be 315+
Looking for team to help me with hard kings fall I'm only 306 light Tryna get better armor please help me out gt same as above inv or msg I am experienced
Need 1 for war preist message urxdestructionx
Need a team for gorgoroth need gaze holder and relic runner 308+ Gt same as above
Need 1 for oryx hm Ima 319 titan. Msg me on Xbox your light
319 Hunter lf fresh run or totem send invite please
Need 5 for golg be over 314+ have a mic
Need 1Titan for oryx harddddddd. 315+ GT above.
Need 1 for totems Preferably 315+ please. Mic requires an no bad attitudes. Message xcLUNAcx with light level. ASAP
Need 5 2 titans 315+ Same gt Oryx message. In game
Need 1 for war perist message urxdestructionx
I need 1 more willing guardian to start a fresh kings fall hm, warpriest challenge included Light 315+ prease Message General Ogata for an invite
Need 1 315+ for hard oryx. 8-8 strat
Need 4 for fresh run hard. 315+ that knows what they are doing to get it done quick. Trying to help my buddy get the warpriest challenge done. Message me on Xbox with class and light for invite. Need 2 titans.
I need 1 more willing guardian to start a fresh kings fall hm, warpriest challenge included Light 315+ prease Message General Ogata for an invite
Need 5 for oryx 2 titans 315+ Same message in game
Need three for sisters HM...assholes will be booted. 310 plus. Know what your doing. Message Trooper Un with light and class.
Have 2 people want to do fresh or Warpriest challenge Gt Same. Normal
need 1 315+ fresh hard mes xmontechristox for inv
Need one 315+ for fresh hard raid.
Need 3 more oryx 310+ Gt.. im beerman
Need 1 for oryx. Gt same as above
Need 1 for oryx hm Ima 319 titan. Msg me on Xbox your light
317 defender titan with a 320 Black Spindle and Touch of Malice available to help with King's Fall raid on normal or hard. Invite BriDog8456.
Need 2 for oryx hm Runner would be nice Ima 319 titan. Msg me on Xbox your light
Need four 315+ for fresh hard raid.