tired of putting raid groups together and we are all running raid no problem. people don't like "squeakers" because mom or dad busts in and turns your Xbox off or tells you to get off now. so mid ogre, sisters and/or oryx they leave no hesitation.
this has happened to me WAY to many times. if you can't control how long and when you can be on, well sorry I don't have time for that.
Hard mode launch a guy did this to us, his last words were "me mums in the room " then went afk and eventually just logged off. We all made jokes about it the rest of the raid but in all honesty it was a big pain.
It's not just that. They keep getting called away by their parents and are gone for like 5 mins, then they come back and are like "brb 5 mins, gonna get chips." It's just been an annoying experience 100% of every time that I've played with anyone 14 and younger. 15 is like borderline tolerable. 16 and up is generally okay.
Lol like no 18+ year does thing like that...
Not all "squeakers" have their mom run in to turn off the Xbox you know why? Cause they don't GAF if their kid wastes a life on Xbox. My parents care so sometimes I have to leave an Oryx battle buts that's ok cause I still have A LONG TIME to do it
Not saying all do. I've had more problems with younger kids than good.
This is actually pretty justifiable. I've had that happen before, though I still don't care how old someone is if they want to play Destiny with me.
I don't how old they are. last night was td final straw for me. we were running oryx, last run. had one guy down. the kid whose parents came in and turned off his xbox had the aura. we did not have the firepower to drop oryx in time.