"Now. you're looking at now, sir. Everything that's happening now is happening now." "What happened to then?" "We past then." "When?" "Just now. We're at now, now." "Well go back to then!" "When?" "Now!" "Now?" "Yes!" "We cant." "Why?" "We missed then." "When?" "Just now."
Destiny has gone full plaid.
I'm surrounded by assholes!
anyone else see the spaceballs reference when wearing the traveler mask.
Fasten all seat belts! Seal all entrances and exits! Close all shops in the mall! Cancel the Three Ring Circus!
Microsoft on making more Halo games "We're not doing this for the money. We're doing it for a shit load of money!" I love that movie lol [spoiler]Merchandising, merchandising[/spoiler]
nice. well done, gentlemen
They've gone plaid!
Light speed too slow?
Sir put your seatbelt on!