I'm sorry bungie but is this a scam!? I've paid money, real life money. that I've worked hard for. For absolutely nothing! I love the festival but all I wanted was the skull mask. my friends used the free silver you gave them and either got it on the first pack or second! The packs should not be RNG I got over 5 masks all the same I bought 9 or more packs! All I wanted was that one skull mask. At least with the emotes you have something to show for the silver spent. I have nothing to show for spending more of my money with you. I'm actually very upset at the moment you took my money and gave me nothing in return. You've broken my spirit and I can't believe that something that I paid for was never given to me. Please all I wanted was the skull mask you've made. Can you help a.. frankly now depressed and disgusted guardian? :(
In game purchases are the beginning of the end.