So I can't get on destiny until the weekends, and I got kicked out of the clan I was with for that reason, do I care? No. But I have yet to play the new raid. And everyone on here is reluctant to bring me along as I am a low level, now. How do you expect people to be able to do raids if no one will help the casual player base? I myself am a strict PvE player, so it frustrates me when I can't complete end game content do to other guardians lack of respect, faith and kindness to help out each other. Sorry about my rant but, just irritated me. Thanks for reading. ~Wolf
- will solve your raiding woes. Just like all LFG sites there will be sessions requiring specific light and previous experience, however there are plenty with none and welcoming all guardians. You can even schedule your own session and invite any willing Sherpas to help you out. But if you haven't already - watch some video tutorials and check out's_Fall - doing that made my first time a breeze.