Halo won't break destiny . I love halo and destiny (yes it's possible to love more then one game) after I finish halo campaign on solo legendary I'll be back on destiny . The one game I haven't seen anyone say "will kill destiny" is Star Wars battle front. If that game doesn't flop they will take a lot players from everywhere .
BF3 is just a cash grab game from EA nothing more, I won't be getting it either to to in game purchases for guns and other stuff... Stupid concept for a great game title
I won't be getting Battlefront for the lack of Campaign I understand why they did this but I mean look at MAG and Titanfall they died out quick. I played the battlefront beta but I wasn't a huge fan of it I think they tried to make it too much like BF 3 and 4.
I didn't realize there was a lack of campaign. I never looked into .
I didn't realize BF3 has no campaign? is it only just multiplayer???
It felt more like cod then battlefield. I play BF a lot and it was not even close to it. It was more close to cod.