Pull the lever, Cosmo.
[b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b]
[30 minutes later]
Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?
I luv emperors new groove
Wonder if Deej found the lost city of 'Story Development' in that deep dark pit...
No he found old Chicago and left it down there to sell to us later
Cosmo- "Oh, riiiiiiiight...the story. The narrative giving Guardians cause to fight hostile aliens from the Cosmodrome to the Dreadnaut. The narrative written specifically to give guardians context for their actions. Destiny's story. That story?" Deej-"Yes Cosmo, [i]that story[/i]." Cosmo-"Gotcha covered. It's all on Bungie.net." Deej-"..."
[quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote]
[quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote] Reference of the year
[quote][quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote] Reference of the year[/quote]
[quote][quote][quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote] Reference of the year[/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][quote][quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote] Reference of the year[/quote][/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Pull the lever, Cosmo. (k'chunk) [b][i]WRONG LEVEEEEEeeer...[/i][/b] [30 minutes later] Okay...why do we even [i]have[/i] that lever?[/quote] Reference of the year[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]