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10/28/2015 9:50:11 PM

Help Bungie by rating and discussing exotic quests!

Black Spindle Quest


Sleeper Simulant Quest


No Time to Explain Quest


The First Curse Quest


The Chaperone Quest


Touch of Malice Quest


The class specific exotic quests


The exotic weapons quests all seem like crazy experiments and maybe the are.[spoiler]I'm pretty sure they are[/spoiler]Vote for your favorite and discuss what worked and what didn't work. Exotic quests are fantastic and I will always love them more than RNG. For me personally, the Black Spindle seemed waaay too difficult. Waiting for the warsats for the Sleeper Simulant quest took waaay too long. The No Time to Explain quest took waaay too much of a raid (though it was fun to own Aetheon with Year 2 gear). The First Curse and The Chaperone require waaay too much Crucible (I haven't finished these). The class specific exotic quests were almost too easy. (And I do mean almost, because Guardians should never complain about free exotics.) Of all of them, though this may sound odd, the Touch of Malice Quest got it the most right in my opinion. Though long, grindy, and requiring a raid completion for a weapon that is really only useful in the raid, the quest is doable for anyone and the was the right of amount of epic-ness for such an epic weapon. But that's just my opinion. I want to read yours.

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