"Hmmph, have any of the patrols found more breeding grounds?"
"We found one. It seemed... Empty, though."
"Empty? What do you mean? Did they up and abandon it?"
"It looked like any other breeding ground, but, there was nothing in it. No footprints either."
"Strange, was there anything to go by?"
"Unless Oryx is turning the Hive here into Taken, then no."
"Great, have the patrols stay out longer, I have a bad feeling about this."
"Okay." Oasis told all patrols near the Breeding ground to keep in patrolling.
[b]quasis leans back in her chair, she checks the defenses they have set up to make sure nothing has gotten through[/b]
"I've come up with another idea. They're planning a surprise attack."
"If they are, have the patrols closest to the base come back."
"I already did. I only left one out there to check around."
"Ok, we should stay on guard now."
[b]quasis stands up and switches her slug rifle into a line rifle for better range[/b]
Oasis activates her Slug Rifle
"You will be at the front lines and I will snipe. Sound good to you?"
[b]quasis teleports to the top of the building, seeing if there were any hive [/b]
Oasis gets some Vex ready.
[b]quasis takes her sniping stance and zooms in on the breeding ground[/b]
A Vex leg and five Slug Rifles and other parts are scattered near it.
[b]quasis contacts oasis[/b] "Our patrol is gone, you were right."
"I hear something outside."
"Stay on your guard."