The max should be in the ballpark of 4800. I know several people with over 4000, myself included.
my bad I didnt mean 3995 I meant 3795 my grimoire is 3780
According to your profile, your grimoire score is 4780. I do not know where your maximum grimoire score figure is coming from. If you are seeing this 3795 maximum score figure within the app, you may need to delete the cache & the content database, or any Android app analogues, to force the app to update the maximum score figure.
yeah my grimoire is 4780 but if you check the grimoire leaderboards the highest is 4790
I just posted a theory on this regarding another grimoire question in the thread. When winning inferno doubles matches, it appears the game client is doing the rank 1/2/3 calculations for 25/50/100 wins. However, unmodified doubles usually does not do this. The inferno modifier may be triggering a hard coded appeal to the wrong grimoire interface in the game mode and may be triggering back end grimoire score increases. Another possibility in your situation: the various kill ranks supposedly do not always trigger the score increases associated with them. If yours did not all trigger where others' did, this could explain the score differential between you.