[b]quasis stands up and switches her slug rifle into a line rifle for better range[/b]
Oasis activates her Slug Rifle
"You will be at the front lines and I will snipe. Sound good to you?"
[b]quasis teleports to the top of the building, seeing if there were any hive [/b]
Oasis gets some Vex ready.
[b]quasis takes her sniping stance and zooms in on the breeding ground[/b]
A Vex leg and five Slug Rifles and other parts are scattered near it.
[b]quasis contacts oasis[/b] "Our patrol is gone, you were right."
"I hear something outside."
"Stay on your guard."
Oasis opened a door, and saw hive looking the other way.
[b]quasis teleports down and releases a attack similar to a wizards, sending balls of arc energy at them[/b]
Oasis and other Vex unload into them.
[b]quasis takes out the high priority targets, hitting them all in the head[/b]
Remaining Hive flee.
"Good job, oasis. You just stopped them from ambushing us."
"They brought very few Hive."
"Yeah, but why would they bring so.... Check the rest of the base."
A patrol is sent
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 10/29/2015 12:28:41 AM"I don't like this, the hive haven't acted like this before."
"Hive can be unpredictable."
"Yeah, we're learning that now." [b]quasis switches to a slap rifle[/b]
"I wonder.... I have a solar model, you have the same model as me, but arc. Where's the Void one?"
"I don't know, that's a good question."