originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]A familiar Titan wearing a black mantle steps out of done bushes, Chaperone in hand and void energy in his off hand.[/b]
"Two birds with one stone. How convenient. I knocked out one a day ago so we'll get the whole group together soon."
[b]His tone is completely deadpan as the sun shines on his gunmetal grey armor and his shotgun, though his cloak takes in most if the sunlight, making the light that reacts his armor rather dim.[/b]
[spoiler]that's what quasis looks like[/spoiler] "Oh you son of a bitch. I guess I should call in my back up." [b]she speaks into a comm and vex clouds surround them. A vex steps out of the cloud and looks at him[/b] [u]"so this is the lightless."[/u] "Yup, this is quasis if anyone is wondering."