originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"They just stand there.... Doing nothing! That's odd for Vex."
"Well it could be they're worshipping"
"Only the Vex in the Black Garden do. These Vex aren't even the Hezen Protective ones..."
"Hmm which are they then?"
"The Hezen Corrective."
"Hmm well then." [i]He sit's there looking[/i]
"Why are they just... Standing?!"
"I don't know. By the way i'm Ex'illious"
"Oasis." Soon a Minotaur came holding a metal box.
[i]The fallen doesn't notice as he continues to look at the vex[/i]
[spoiler]Minotaur came to the Vex.[/spoiler] "What's in that box.."
[spoiler]Ok[/spoiler] "I don't know" [i]He pulls out his wire rifle[/i]
The Vex open it, there are a bunch of weird looking tools. Mostly rusted.
[i]He thinks for a bit[/i] "We need to stop them"
"How do we even know what they're doing?"
"I don't know seems bad though" [i]He jumps down onto the minotaur killing it[/i]
Oasis kills the other Vex quickly with her Line Rifle.
[i]Ex'illias smiles as he grabs the tools seeing what they were[/i]
It seems to be a wrench of some kind, half a blow torch, and a small shovel.
"What could they have been using this for?"
"Something they couldn't modify themselves to do."
"Hmm maybe."
"This isn't the only time they've done this."
"Uh Huh."
"Hmm I wonder when."