It has come to my attention that the user Lost Sols has been banned again for the (what is it now?) time. This ban of course has sparked a new wave of people speaking about how Bungie is deliberately banning members like Sols for the most ridiculous reasons just to keep him quiet.
Now these claims are actually quite worrying, especially as it is difficult to tell exactly what was wrong. The moderators do not usually supply a reason for a ban, instead leaving us with a vague "X has violated the Code of conduct". Now this alone makes it difficult to learn from, especially if all you know what you did wrong was something that that went against the CoC.
Edit: So I made this thread originally due to rumours of corruption in the Ninjas. I also took the opportunity to mention a few ideas I had. Now this thread got Cozmo replied and everything, yet nothing has been done.
Therefore my proposal is simple, with it covering two of the issues with the current system in place.
The first issue is that there are claims that the Ninjas are abusing their power to silence critics of Bungie. The bad thing is that this is actually extremely possible for Bungie to do. The best suggestion to counteract this would be if Ninja's had some limits placed on them. For one they would have to actually place a more clearer reason why the person got banned. So instead of it just being "X violated the code of conduct." it becomes more like this;
[quote]User: X has been banned for a period of X days due to violating the code of conduct.
The User violated the code of conduct's limitations of (random example) the offensive usage of curse words, specifically the "F" word.[/quote]
Notice how this is much better? Because the fact is that the moderators actually have to supply a reason for the ban. It might be more work for the moderators, but it also allows people a chance to better realise exactly what they did wrong.
My second suggestion is that the Code of conduct gets rewritten entirely. The entire code of it right now is vague and not clear enough, allowing too much room for misinterpretation. Yes I get it, the current version looks all nice and all but it is also extremely vague on what exactly is wrong. There has been cases before where people have used the CoC to justify name shaming for example, this of course caused the moderators to bite back. Now this would be end of usually, but the fact is that the vagueness of the rules actually allowed that little issue to stem in the first place. If Bungie had actually down specific rules for each separate misdeed along with a reason why it is forbidden, then there would be no misinterpretations.
Edit: This thread has been replied to by the Community manager Cozmo. If you wish to read his reply then open the spoiler box below or just scroll down a bit.
[spoiler][quote]User: X has been banned for a period of X days due to violating the code of conduct.
The User violated the code of conduct's limitations of (random example) the offensive usage of curse words, specifically the "F" word.[/quote]
Thanks for the suggestion, we will consider this. We are always working on improving with new features and appreciate your ideas.
[quote]The entire code of it right now is vague and not clear enough, allowing too much room for misinterpretation. [/quote]
It all comes down to not posting personal insults to other people here. That's the main thing that gets people in trouble. For the other stuff, the Ninjas have a [url=]guideline[/url] to help you out. So your second suggestion has already been put in place. It's not a comprehensive list of rules, but should help you out. If you show up here, discuss Destiny, and give constructive feedback without putting anyone else down, you will be fine.[/spoiler]
~ Joshua TCB
You know this Sols guy may have had some good points about Bungie's current business practices, but if he's continuously resorting to insulting of his fellow Guardians then he should not be welcomed here on these forums. Frankly I'm getting a bit worn out by these types of threads spawning every time he gets banned. For the sake of ridding the forums of these types of threads entirely, why not just perma-ban the guy and be done with it?