Here is what I posted in another thread...
In year 1 you could do the bridge in crota hard and know you had a chance to get a gun through rng. If you did get the gun you knew exactly what the attack value would be so it was just getting the variable through rng.
Year 2 you do the war priest, you can get a variable through rng. However, attached to that rng is ANOTHER variable...light level. So you not only need rng to give you the gun (1 variable) you also need rng to give you higher light (2nd variable). You can even add a third variable if you want...Perks, but I'm just talking about progression.
This goes the same for ANY drop in Destiny, however it is more pronounced in the end game pve and pvp because that gear is harder to get. You need the drop and the light for you to progress. That is the frustration of the light system.
There needs to be a change. Signed.
Agreed to that. Not that I've even gotten to Hard mode Warpriest yet, but still, lol.
I have a cp if your on ps4 , ill share it with you
I'd rather actually beat Totems first for the chest there too tbh. Just need a solid group with a few people that are over 310. Last night we were all max 305.