Then tell the world a huge amount of people have been celebrating Christmas, or Weihnachten, wrong for years.
So your argument is the fact they use a different name but it is still a celebration of the birth of christ? No that's not religious at all.
No, but a lot of people don't give a shit about religion and still celebrate Christmas, Weihnachten, or whatever you may call it, because or its meaning. Try finding a non-muslim who celebrates Ramadan
My contention would be those people arn't celebrating christmas. You can give gifts hang stockings and put up a tree, doesn't mean your celebrating christmas whether you call it that or not. Since all those traditions were taken from pagan rituals, you are celebrating those. If I decide to fast during the same month as Ramadan but it has no spiritual meaning to me, am I celebrating Ramadan? No that's absurd. Just because you take actions mimicking a religion without following the meaning behind it does not negate the fact it is still a religious holiday.
These people are celebrating modern Christmas, not the dated Christian version