Drake appealed to who are now 20+ year old because that was his target audience when he began his career. You make no sense.
This comment makes not sense telling my comment I make no sense. Honestly. Yes you are right about his target audience being 20+ at the beginning of his career, but I'm not talking about the beginning of his career. I'm talking about now, this song, and the group of people who listen to it.
His target audience hasn't changed. Are you so thick that you couldn't understand that?
Edited by I-grady-l: 10/29/2015 9:39:01 PMYour possibly the greatest dumbass I've ever talked to. I never said that the target audience has changed. Actually, I believe I agreed with you saying that his target audience is 20+. Hopefully your smart enough to comprehend what I said. Hopefully your smart enough to know what comprehend means...
Edited by RenovaKunumaru: 10/29/2015 9:50:05 PMYou're so stupid you don't even understand how you contradict yourself in your own statement. Oh and if you weren't protected by the anonymity of the internet, I'd fcuk you up for talking so disrespectful. Wouldn't be the first time. Lil bitch ass
It's not disrespect if it's the truth. Your pretty smart for a 12 year old or you might be a 30 year old in mamas basement. Either way, your a butt hurt dumbass who's so tough over the internet but in real life, your the lil bitch.
Mad because your topic is as stupid as you? I'd be mad too. Lmao
LMFAOOOO. This 11 year old/30 year old virgin thinks I'm mad. I'm gonna pray for you tonight.... GG kid. G -blam!-ing G.
Edited by RenovaKunumaru: 10/29/2015 10:45:09 PMDang ni99a look how hard you reaching to find an insult? I must've struck a nerve lmao. Stop crying crying little pussy, Bungee is going to make you a new dance move.
Huh. I REALLY pissed this lil bitch off. If you'd get the cum out your eye you'd be able to see 2 things: 1. How retarded you are and how you sound. 2.The fact that I already won this argument and your just butt hurt because you know it's true and your just trying to sound tough because in real life your the biggest bitch there is.
If you win the argument, why are you still talking? You're talking because I insulted you and that shit hit home. Now you're trying your hardest to save face on the internet because that's all you have, otherwise you wouldn't be begging Bungie for dance moves in the 1st place because you'd have a life and not give a damn. Yeah, you won internet thug even though I just cut off your head and took a shit down your neck. Now go clean yourself up, I'm finished here.
Not bad. Nothing hit home. I'm sitting here lmao at you thinking I'm mad. I won both arguments and now I will end this. You knew you lost the whole drake conversation so your tried shit talk, thinking your all big and bad. Oh wait, I've ready been over this. You also tried to say that you'd beat my ass in person when your probably as skinny as a stick. You say I know I've won and then ask why am I still talking. Yet, you've lost. So then i hit you with this: why are you still talking? I'm not trying to be big and bad like you are trying to do saying niqqa and saying you'd beat my ass in person which once again isn't true. Pls stfu and stop replying. Your very annoying. Your probably a white scrawny bitch who thinks he's the shit but he's is living shit...