You guys know the ones. The teams that are always elitists, that get pissed off every time you die, the ones who berate you for playing a Warlock, and especially those who implement a strategy completely different than what you're used to and they expect you to be able to get it down first try.
Don't tell me I'm the only one that's been there? I play hardcore, don't get me wrong, but when it gets to the point where name-calling and yelling and screaming happens, that's not motivation. That's just downright abuse.
Edit: It sucks to know so many people can relate to this bullshit, but good to know there are others out there who are just as sick of it as I am. :)
YES YES YES! I would absolutely LOVE to find a group that will do the raid and HELP each other instead of bitching at each other. I once heard a guy chew someone out for not telling him to jump out of the pool in time on hard Golgorath when he had the debuff. He said "someone should have told me. Doesn't anyone pay attention?" Yes he really said it like it wasn't his responsibility. And he was bragging about how many times he beat the raid about 10 mintues before this. He also had the lowest DPS on every single run. Is it really that hard to take a minute and make sure everyone is on the same page for what strat you are using? Is it that hard to give pointers on where to find cover for Warpriest? Is it that hard to say "Im on" when doing platforms for daughters? Or to just go to the same plate everytime instead of just going to whatever plate you feel like and having everyone else adjust? This raid is all about TEAMWORK and that seems to be the one thing these self-centered assholes don't get. I am on ps4 if anyone wants to get a stress free group together this weekend for the raid- 310 warlock, 309 titan: TOM, SS, Black Spindle. Just reply here and we can set something up