I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Mcclean94 on ps4
305 and 311 with alot of experience message Veiled Echo or Collapsed Echo
Edited by The Nowhere King: 11/3/2015 2:14:35 AMNeed 3 we are at oracles right now Xbox360 Msg NickEMP for invite
Xbox One- message the gamertag above for invite, or invite me if you want
Edited by LA_FLAMEXO: 11/3/2015 1:56:08 AMTitan and warlock looking for atheon cp on normal Add XxSkillCraftxX PS4
Looking for a group that has cp close to Atheon add maceprime
need an atheon cp please for 360 msg me if you have one
4 looking for any body with a cp that's close to atheon
Add: Zexvuh for no time to explain. Ps4
Add: Zexvuh if you have room in the fireteam for a 311 Hunter.
2 players looking for Atheon cp for NTTE GT AreUokay
Invite me to VoG! I wanna play it for fun (: I'll help out
Looking for group to run vog for the gun invite CleverFoal34180
Looking for group to run for no time to explain Add destroyah_55
Looking to join group for atheon cp or fresh run
TwistedSigmaHD Xbox one 306 warlock
Need 4 for fresh normal vault if glass run
Need people for Xbox 360
Need 5 for ps4 add me R-ELL_DA_BEAST
I need 4 for xbox 1 run
Have oracle checkpoint message for invite need 5 prople
Edited by Guardian_Down: 11/3/2015 12:08:38 AMI'm at conflux looking for a team. Xbone Gt Cheeto925
Need atheon checkpoint ! Please msg or inv
Msg me if your on the black garden part of the quest i need 1 more person
Invite me if you have Atheon checkpoint
LFG VoG for exotic quest. Xbone gt: darbyccrash