I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Need 3 for fresh VOG "no time to explain" Gamertag: JohnDigweed117
360, msg gt above
Need 4 for fresh run for no time to explain psn noobslayer5811
One more for vog at oracles x box one my gt is optimusdrizzt
One more for vog on hard at Oracle cp
305 Hunter looking for Atheon cp or close to it. Thanks
Need 3 for run, cp welcome. Xbox one gt optimusdrizzt
We have three ready to run vog message optimusdrizzt to join our group
Vog hard raid oracles cp message for invite Get on top Warlock 303
Gt j15hua 310 warlock Looking for atheon cp or any cp in the game. Message or invite
Looking for atheon cp on Xbox one Message II Benadryl II
Looking for athoen cp or just a team 307 hunter Psn same as name
300 titan looking for Atheon checkpoint. Plz send inv to gamertag Lucas67
Gt j15hua 305 warlock Looking for Atheon cp or gate keeper. Message or invite
looking for people to help me with VoG for no time to explain gt DARK KNIGHT392
xbox one starting fresh need 5 gt is xpicante
Need three for vg fresh
Need 3 on Xbox One. If you have a CP bring it.
Need 3 more for fresh run
Fresh run need 3 xbox 360
Looking for an atheon cp for ps3 or if anyone wants to run through it
Need more for this. PS4. Anyone with Atheon checkpoint?
313 titan looking to join any group any cp gt is xpicante
Edited by YAYYY4MEE: 11/2/2015 4:02:35 AMLooking for group on ps4. I dont have a cp
Xbox one looking for people to help me with VoG fir no time to explain gt DARK KNIGHT392
310 titan that's bored. Gt as above. Any cp idc. Xbox