I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
310 titan that's bored. Gt as above. Any cp idc. Xbox
Need 3! At oracle checkpoint. Send message for inv. GT same as above! :)
Looking for a totems or war priest cp on normal msg gt above to inv me
Need one for vault gt same
Ps4 LFG 304 hunter plenty of experience
Need 1 for a nightfall
Need 5 Atheon cp Experience needed MSG Rush EDC8 for an invite
Need two for fresh fast run gt same
Need two for Xbox one gt same
At gatekeeper need team
Need to complete the no time to explain quest on Xbox 360. Looking for anybody, any checkpoint. Message in game gt same.
I'm a 312 hunter, looking to be invited to an atheon killing party. Fresh, cp, either or hmu via Xbox(360), gt same as above
Nightfall msg gt aboveboard
I am a light level 305 looking for Gorgon, Gatekeeper, or Atheon checkpoint. Gamer tag is MxO 18.
Need 4 for fresh run at Vault of Glass on xbox1. Msg for invite. Gt same as above
Looking to join a group or start a team to finish this quest. 312 Hunter. Msg me or invt gt OGCuban
Lfg vog any cp Xbox one. gt same as above
Need one for kings fall hard mode. Oryx checkpoint. 310+ only. Message gamertag VonLegend with your CLASS AND LEVEL for an invite
Need any vog cp 313 Titan have run several times
Looking for someone to do this quest with me and a few buddies. The more there is the less time it takes. Msg for invt. Gamertag same as name.
Need 2 for fresh GT: Three 6 Prodigy
311 Titan
Two for pulse rifle quest .invite blacksky10 it will be quick .
312 need atheon or gatekeeper CP GT: Three 6 Prodigy
I am a light level 305 looking for Gorgon, Gatekeeper, or Atheon checkpoint. Gamer tag is MxO 18.