I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Looking for someone that has Athlon cp on hard or normal just need to beat it gamertag is esco77.
i have another person with me looking for atheon or any cp invite me//gt same as name
Need one more for vog on hard Add and join austin320
need 4 for gorgons checkpoint
Looking for someone that has Athlon cp on hard or normal just need to beat it gamertag is esco77.
Edited by MrCheckMySwag: 11/1/2015 11:55:05 PMTrying to run this doesn't matter fresh or checkpoint send me invite gt same as above. Xbone
I'm looking for atheon cp or any cp invite VOcareADregnuM
Need one more for vog on hard Add and join austin320
Looking to join someone that has atheon cp gamertag is esco77
313 titan send me invite cp would be nice
I have two looking to help at any check point On ps4 Add: Freshy_Chris7 We are 305+
306 hunter looking for atheon cp
LF team to run VoG at any CP. GT is CzechYourSixxx
305 Hunter looking for Atheon Cp for No time to explain. XBOX ONE
looking for VoG group on normal. any CP would be nice.
Xbox One Vault Of Glass Easy Gatekeeper CP. Message Aero Reaperr for invite.
Vog normal fresh message Spez16 Xbox one
Xbox One Vault Of Glass Easy Gatekeeper CP. Message Aero Reaperr for invite.
Looking for team for atheon inv gt "Limaaaaa" 313 hunter
Have 3 all 296 or above, need hard Atheon Cp. Message Hyper Boi for invite
Looking for Atheon CP on XBoxone. 312 hunter. Invite Twistmatic
Need to do VOG need a full team or looking to join one invite or messages vendettahunter
Need fireteam for black garden step msg or invite gt above
Vog raid need 5 msg HyBrid Rocky for inv
Need four more for Xbox. Inv me
Need two more on PSN. Edged