I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Edited by Lv1Dregg: 11/1/2015 10:35:29 PMHosting VoG Fresh Run Need 5 people No Time To Explain Quest Kirigaya Senpai Xbox One
(ps4) add fuldacar
312 hunter looking for Atheon CP or gatekeeper. Invite Twistmatic if needed.
Edited by GhostlyClone: 11/1/2015 10:23:40 PMNeed 3 more for VOG normal Quest. Message Xbox One GT: DanZENBass.
Vog 360 msg or inv
Have two looking for vault of glass
Need 4 for fresh hard VoG
Edited by Parasol blind: 11/1/2015 10:17:39 PMVoG fresh run -PS4. Need 5 year one veterans. Must have touch of mythoclast and timebreaker sparrow! Add Parasol_blind -if you have cp, great! If not, let's get in there and do this
(Ps4) looking for Atheon Cp. I have 3 guys if needed lmk
Looking for 5 people to do atheon cp Message Xelasblade for inv Xb1
Edited by Jimmy8514: 11/1/2015 9:50:21 PMGot 4 looking to do Atheon Gt Coletrain8514
Doing vault from the beginning non xb1 GT is the same as here send message in game.
Lfg Atheon. Prefer cp. Ps4. Add Virtuous_Pride. Have 2 of us.
Xbox One Vault Of Glass Easy Fresh Run. Message Aero Reaperr for invite.
Looking for 2 guys to do golgoroth on hard be 306+ Know what you're doing plz Gt: JetCrasher13
313 hunter looking for atheon cp ps4 add pooterpoots
Looking to do atheon any one have a checkpoint?
Lf 4 more vog on xbox one gt Codydoc27
Need help on Fears Embrace mission 270+ helps appreciated
need 4 for vog. Msg gt above for inv
Need two for fresh run on atheon ps4 add shrekzilla420
Looking for vog fresh xbone hard
Need an atheon cp, 360. Please msg if you have it
Need 4 for vog run just add LilManWAR05 and join
Any ps4 players willing to share an atheon cp? Add shwn2008
Ps4 need to kill atheon lvl306 warlock looking to join a group add xXDALTOXx