I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Ps4 need to kill atheon lvl306 warlock looking to join a group add xXDALTOXx
need 2 for fresh vog. Msg gt above for inv
314 Titan Xbox 1 Looking for atheism cp Invite bad asset
Need three for VOG Bring your checkpoint if you have it
need 2 for vog. Msg gt above for inv
On x box one inv me if u have an atheon cp looking all day and need some help
Looking for two to do The part after atheon Msg:rayGUNking188 Xbox 1
need 4 for vog. Msg gt above for inv
need 4 for vog. Msg gt above for inv
311 warlock looking for team for vog atheon cp. Msg or inv gt above
311 warlock looking for team for vog atheon cp. Msg or inv gt above
306 hunter with black spindle looking for Athlon cp only. Inv me please.
311 warlock looking for team for vog atheon cp. Msg or inv gt above
306 hunter with black spindle looking for Athlon cp only. Inv me please.
Looking for team for vog. Looking to do the NTTE quest. Msg or inv gt above
Orix hard cp need 5 305+ gt same
Can someone give me a atheon check point for my girlfriend please Add fat-pink-piggy or message me i wil add you
Anyone running VoG? Would love to get this quest finished :) XB1 player here, GT is PotterGaz
Looking to do this for the quest line inv me if you have room GT S0MBRE xbox one
Can someone give me a atheon check point for my girlfriend please Add fat-pink-piggy or message me i wil add you
Can someone give me a atheon check point for my girlfriend please Add fat-pink-piggy or message me i wil add you
LF vog run through (xbone) GT BIGxDILLY
Looking for 3 people for VOG No time to explain. Psn add yagoloco
Need 3 for vog and bitches
Level 304 Titan invite ?
Need 4 for vog hard gt above