I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
313 titan for Xbox 1 group! Preferably atheon CP but fresh is fine, send me an invite. GT Is the same as above
313 titan for group! Preferably atheon CP but fresh is fine, send me an invite. GT Is the same as above
Edited by Tumbl: 11/1/2015 6:50:46 AMNeed 5 X360, message Noble Bobby for invite
305h for group, invite themanondacouch
Hosting VOG xbox one msg for inv GT Whodat900 must have mic
310 warlock lv vog
Need 4 fresh
310 hunter if at athon cp gt above xbox one
Need 2 final part of quest. Message me on xbox.
Need 2 final part of quest. Message me on xbox.
Starting fresh no one at this time has a cp Gt same as above Normal Let's just get it over with
Need 2 final part of quest. Message me on xbox.
Need 5 for fresh hard msg gt:brennnann10
I need 3 for Atheon message gt above 4 invite
Edited by FalconBPimpen: 11/1/2015 6:39:36 AMNeed 3 for fresh run Msg gt for inv Xbox one
Need 4 for fresh run. Xbox One! Message if you are keen to have some fun :)
Looking for 3, to do vog normal. At conflux cp. Message enz0 madd
Ps4 VoG add me
Need 3. We're at atheon psn is same.
Kings fall. I'm a light 297 warlock at golgroth on normal. Message me for invite. Gt above.
Ps4 I have confluxes
Xb one. Got two. Looking for a few more.
Looking to run vault of glass on Xbox one invite me. Gt Timelovesahero
Looking for atheon cp or 4 other players to do a fresh run! We are very experienced. Add: Lightningbolt42
308 titan looking for any checkpoint message lagosaurus wrex on xbl
Edited by Axiom Bliss: 11/1/2015 6:14:26 AM2 warlocks looking for normal VOG run for quest line (xbox 1) same ass gt ^