Your point is not valid.. You don't grind 100s of hours to obtain a gun in call of duty. Get real dude
My point is completely valid. No gun in this game requires hundreds of hours of grind. They're all RNG. You are dumb for grinding for any piece of gear as you're probably less likely to get it that way. The only exception would be year 1 exotic bounties and year 2 exotic quests and those take very little grind. I think you need to get real, dude.
Touch of Malice was like 95% grind
Which is a quest right?
Yea. It's a quest but you gotta grind hadium flakes, which are -blam!-ing annoying, then you gotta grind calcium fragments, then a boss, then calcium fragments, then a boss, then grind more hadium flakes
But it's a quest right?