[quote]Also here is a little something for you to read to erase the bigotry you have against Muslims. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2504110[/quote]
Ummm....Yeah...... Re-read page 17 of that PDF, guy. It clearly substantiates what I have just said about the Muslim involvement in the slave trade. It also discusses the prevalent racism Arabs and Muslims held against black Africans. So are you saying your own source is bigotry???
I never said they weren't involved in this, hell even Africans were involved in early forms of slavery as slave holders. As far as racism every single race can be accused of it.
No you just took to calling me a bigot when I posted facts that didn't sit well with your tidy little world view... Goodbye. Let's just play Destiny.