This post is to create another [b]Xbox One Hard Raid Finder[/b], [spoiler]you can never have too many![/spoiler]
just type down what checkpoint your looking for and your light level.
[i]Pro Tip,[/i] If you want to increase your chances of getting in a Hard raid team or forge a fireteam quick just [u]copy and paste your information[/u] to as many Hard Raid Finders as you want this always works for me.
(For Example):
[b]308[/b] Hunter Gamertag "[b]TheDeathNote2[/b]"
-[u]Experienced on Kings fall [b]Hard[/b] raid[/u]
Looking to join any raid team on [u]any[/u] checkpoint.
( I have a mic )
Feel free to shoot me an invite,
GT [b]TheDeathNote2[/b]
[quote]If I don't reply to your xbox invite it's because I'm probably in a raid group already, so don't take it personal I do appreciate every invite :)[/quote]
Want to join our clan "[b]Die Among Legends[/b]" just follow this link
[quote]We are always looking for new members to join us everyone is welcomed. Also feel free to add me on Xbox One [b]Gamertag [u]TheDeathNote2[/u][/b][/quote]
[b]TheDeathNote2's[/b] stats
[i]Titan[/i] 318 light
[i]Warlock[/i] 318 light
[i]Hunter[/i] 318 light
Gaming Schedule: [spoiler]I'm from San Francisco California. I normally work (Monday - Friday 10:00a.m - 7:00p.m) so I play at around (8:00p.m - 1:00a.m) at the moment I play on my mobile hotspot due to my landlord not allowing my cable provider to drill holes. So until I move out that's the only way I'm able to play destiny online. My hotspot data refreshes every 20th. [/spoiler]
[quote]I can run gaze for golgoroth
Run Relic faster than flash on my hunter[/quote] -updated January 8th 2015
Need 1 oryx cp hard xb1
334 Warlock looking to join a group @ Totems Gamertag: Objection
Need one Titan for oryx Msg xNotoriousErbx
326 Titan Experienced Gt: Jew Boi Josh Fresh/totems
335 hunter need 1 for fresh message LETHAL TKO
Need 1 titan for Oryx cp must be 320+ msg gt above for inv
Looking for oryx group 330 hunter.
329 Hunter looking to join a "Fresh Run" group. Invite me if you have a spot.
330 Titan need to do a fresh hard run with challenge along ways
Need 2 at warpriest
Got a orxy cp need 5 message ANWD for invite (please know what you're doing)
Hosting fresh hard raid. 325+ send class & light level to GT DOUBLE D 1984
325 titan n 328 hunter looking for fresh
need one more for oryx cp 330+ gt juann014
Fresh run hard Need 1 330+ only Know what to do! Gt same as above
Fresh run hard Need 2 330+ only Know what to do! Gt same as above
Fresh run hard Need 5 330+ only Know what to do! Gt same as above
Need 2 for golgoroth
Need 4 hard fresh gt same message for invite must know challenge
Need 1 for totems must be titan and be 315+
Need a runner for Hard Oryx Please be 325 light or above we are doing 16 orb Strat Message GT: tensegrity17 for Invite
need 1 for golgoroth
Need titan at warpriest cp
Need one for hard fresh msg ladygunfure646 for inv
Need one for hard fresh msg ladygunfure646 for inv
Need 1 For Oryx Msg Gt Above