Nerf it without nerfing Sunbreaker and I will invite you to my raid team, then kick you when we're about to win.
Why the hell would I want to raid with you?
Because of my sexy comical banter that is enjoyed by all throughout the experience. The best part though will be when I kick you, my raid team will get a good laugh out of that one.
[quote]Why the hell would I want to raid you? [/quote] You're not gonna kick me, because I wouldn't join your team in the first place..nice try though.
Good. You're not worthy of bantering with us anyway. Get rekt.
You have a 7.8 raid kd. You're not worthy of even doing a raid lmao
Funny, I have a year one triumph emblem. And you generally don't kill much in raids anyway. U 2 stoopid two Rade with (wrote in a way you can understand).
What the hell does the triumph emblem have to do with anything.
Everything. It means I've beaten two hard mode raids and skolas.
You must be a competent player then.
Well I do no life this trash game
... alright then.
Lol you are almost equal to his kd ratio
9. Something is better than 7 scrub.
Technically you are bad player My opiniom you are very bad player, sorry. But keep it up, pratic will eventually make you a decent player
Lol. I barely raid so whatever
And you whine about a stormcaller. I though it was a satire but you are serious....